Varicose Veins Case study 004: High Tie Stripping For Painful Varicose Veins

Surgical relief for painful and swollen varicose veins

High Tie Stripping For Painful Varicose VeinsHigh Tie Stripping For Painful Varicose Veins

High tie stripping and avulsions improve symptoms in just 8 weeks

A 43-year-old man suffered from pain and swelling caused by varicose veins. He received high tie stripping and multiple avulsions, and 8 weeks later, saw significant improvement in both pain and appearance.


Pain and swelling caused by problematic varicose veins.

Motivation for treatment

The patient needed relief from constant pain and swelling, as well as an improvement in the appearance of his legs.

Combining high tie stripping and avulsions for effective results

This 43-year-old male patient experienced significant pain and swelling in his legs due to varicose veins. To treat the problem, Dr Altaf performed high tie stripping, an older surgical method covered by insurance. High tie stripping is a type of open surgery done in the hospital. A small cut (2-5 cm) is made in the groin, where a surgical device is inserted into the vein. The vein is hooked and pulled out, and the top is tied off. The goal is to strip the great saphenous vein (GSV), a large superficial vein running from the groin to the ankle, to improve blood flow and reduce symptoms.

In addition to high tie stripping, the patient also underwent multiple avulsions, a simple procedure where small cuts are made in the skin to pull out parts of the varicose veins. This causes the veins to close down and prevents further complications. Avulsions are commonly used to treat smaller veins alongside larger vein treatments like high tie stripping.

Eight weeks after these procedures, the patient saw a marked reduction in swelling and pain, as well as an improvement in the appearance of his legs. Dr Altaf’s approach, which combines different treatment methods based on individual needs, allowed this patient to find lasting relief.